Director General of the Czech Probation and Mediation Service, Mrs Andrea Matoušková, and the Deputy for Probation and Mediation, Mrs Kateřina Šlesingerová, represented the Czech Republic at the Conference of the Ministers of Justice of the Council of Europe “Crime and Criminal Justice – the role of restorative justice in Europe” which took place from 13 to 14 December in Venice, Italy. The aim of the conference was to examine in detail the potential benefits of using restorative justice, having as a reference point the Recommendation of the CoE CM/Rec (2018)8 on restorative justice in criminal matters.
The Italian Presidency presented for an adoption a “Venice Declaration on the Role of restorative justice in criminal matters” in order to promote the practice of restorative justice and further implement its application by the Council of Europe Member States, aiming at a widespread implementation of the above-mentioned Reccomendation. The declaration calls upon the Council of Europe to: