Fragile Chance II

(The development and expansion of the existing practice of Parole Boards, the introduction of new restorative programs and systemic changes in parole in the Czech Republic)

Conditional release is one of the tools for timely and effective social inclusion of offenders. The project Fragile Chance verified the practice of Parole Boards in the current system of conditional release in nine prisons in the Czech Republic. The purpose of the follow-up project Fragile Chance II is to extend the practice to nine different judicial districts (prisons) and to link the activities with the newly introduced programs – a specific program for offenders and the development of the cooperation among the regions and the prisons during the treatment of incarcerated offenders and their preparation for release. The project is breaking new ground by establishing a platform for experts on conditional release in the Czech Republic, which aims to analyse the current practices and the preparation of a proposal for their amendment, including proposals for a legislative change. The project will use the experience and lessons learned from past implementation of Parole Boards (since 2009); it will increase the professionalism of staff working in this area and take steps to improve the current practice of conditional release in the country.