PDP3 Back to Life

Project details

Financial mechanism: Norway Grants 2014-2021
Programme: Justice
Programme area and objective: 21 – Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Judicial System, Strengthening Rule of Law
Project grant: 57 885 000,00 CZK
Project timeline: 1. 5. 2020 – 30. 4. 2024
Project partner: Prison Service of the Czech Republic and Norwegian Correctional Service (Buskerud Probation Office a Drammen Half-Way House)

Official website (in English): https://eeagrants.org/
Official website (in Czech): https://www.norskefondy.cz

The aim of the project is to develop and increase accesibility of standardized resocialisation programmes in the Czech Republic by launching and operating the Programme Centres and Probation House providing a residential resocialisation programme.

Programme Centres

Implementation period: 2 years Establishment of four Programme Centres will provide accessibility of various resocialisation programmes  to offenders with imposed alternative sentence and conditionally released offenders. The programmes will target essential areas of their lives in order to support an effort in changing their lives. Four Programme Centres are located in four judicial regions: South Bohemia (České Budějovice), West Bohemia (Sokolov/Cheb), North Bohemia (Most), Northern Moravia (Frýdek-Místek). There will be 4-5 lecturers providing the programmes.

Probation House

The very first Probation House in the Czech Republic will enable an intensive work with conditionally released offenders including securing a supervision of obligations and restrictions imposed by the court. The Probation House will be located in Písek, South Bohemia. From 2020 to 2022 the building will be renovated. The Probation House will operate from Spring 2022. There will be 3 probation specialists working with the clients.

Contact persons
Project Manager:
Mgr. Kateřina Vojkůvková kvojkuvkova@pms.justice.cz
Expert Guarantor of the Project:
Mgr. Marek Tkáč mtkac@pms.justice.cz

Ministry of Finance (www.mfcr.cz)
The EEA and Norway Grants – contact for the Czech Republic (www.fondyehp.cz/www.norskefondy.cz)
The EEA and Norway Grants (www.eeagrants.org)